

At the sound of her shoes entering my bedroom I glance up at her through the mirror that I am standing in front of.

The raven haired girl leans against my doorframe as her eyes trail over my clothes silhouette.

This causes me to feel an ounce of self consciousness at how much I am choosing to show.

/"Do not be a stranger/" I joke with a small smile

She matches my smile before making her way towards me.

I am in the middle of fixing the frizziness of my loose curls when my costar comes up behind me, wrapping her arms around my exposed midsection.

A gasp of surprise leaves my lips as she lifts me up.

/"Let me down! Hunter!/" I shriek

I hear the raven haired girl chuckle near my ear.

/"Hunter!/" I yell again

/"Okay, Okay/" she chuckles before tossing me onto my bed

I scream with pure terror as I fly through the air before landing on my large bed.