

A Few Months Later.

Delaney's POV

It has been two days since filming for the movie ended.

It feels so weird not waking up at four in the morning in order to get ready and still have enough time to get to set at five in the morning.

It feels so weird not sneaking off to an empty set with Hunter whenever Gigi calls out 'cut' or 'take five'.

It feels so weird not hurriedly dancing my eyes across my script inside of my trailer whenever I forget to study them the night before.

And finally, It feels so weird not having my cellphone be constantly blown up with calls from Nicole.


I jump in my spot at the sudden noise.

As I drift out of my head my eyes widen at the sight before me.

/"Shit/" I whisper underneath my breath

I tuck my brunette hair behind my ear as I crouch down to pick up the shattered candle that slipped from my hands.

Hunter instantly discourages my actions.