A heavy noise surrounds us and I immediately grab the king's hand. He turns towards me and looks down at his hand in mine with an unknown expression on his face. For a moment I thought that he didn't like it that I took his hand but then I put this thought away because if it was like this then he would have reacted angrily.
My attention moved towards the unbelievable and the most unexpected thing happening in front of me. I have never seen anything like this and have never heard of this either. The wall splits up revealing a secret passage. My mind said that it is magic and I would have believed it if I had not seen the king pushing the flambeau backward.
This is so unbelievable. I take a little step forward and see a long passage. It is so dark inside. Nothing is visible inside because of the darkness. It looks like a long path towards the darkness. I am sure one would get lost inside without any light.