

---Sweet Escape

Everything was a blur, one second Jay tackled down the hunter who came inside the room and the next thing I knew there was screaming within the house. There was cursing, and then gun shots and howls.

'Wait only wolves can howl?' Eliz whimpers.

Footsteps were heard moving to the other side. Metal and furniture in the hallway were being thrown everywhere. Yet I just stood there trying to comprehend what was going on.

Jay, after killing the hunter who is now lifeless on the ground, grabbed my hand and made our way out of the cage and to wherever he was taking me. I don't fully trust him, but he was my only hope to escape for now. We kept running down the hallway, the house was indeed huge. He says he's a human but seriously his speed was of someone who is a werewolf.

When we get to the living room bodies were lying everywhere and that's when I saw a big black Wolf who is bathed with blood.