


Matteo’s POV

/"I’m pretty sure this is her first time doing it/" I glance in her direction.

Adassah is rubbing her wrist that the handcuffs were around. I look back at the guard who eye her from head to toes.

Previously, the guard was telling me awhile ago that he found Adassah with drugs and I cannot believe the fucker was lying about her on drugs in my face. He thinks his future Alpha is a complete fool but I beg to differ.

'How dare he do that' Thunder growls through our link but I try to control myself.

I didn't want her to know that this guard isn't a guard. The mother fucker is a newbie on training. How do I know this? Because I train our pack members guard./"

She probably doesn't know because she had never been to our pack’s activities and never met a lot of people.

To be honest I was disgusted when I saw the mother fucker pressing her against the car.