

/"Mommy stop crying, you're not gonna look pretty if you keep up with that./" Dahlia told me for about the one millionth time. But how could you not cry when you the only man you ever truly loved and the only man who hurt you most in the whole wide world?

I nodded sadly at my little baby girl. If only she knew who the guy she bumped into at the mall is. Another tear rolled out.

/"But you're still crying mommy. Please stop crying already. Pretty please./" Her always cheerful voice was gone and in its place was sadness.

I hugged my baby so tight. /"It hurts so much Dahlia. It hurts like a stab right in my forehead./"

She pulled away a little and gave me a confused look. /"What hurts mommy? I was the one who fell down and got hurt yet you're the one doing the crying? /"

I let out a sad laugh at her cuteness. It was very contagious. /"It’s nothing baby. /"How about we get some ice cream?/"