


/"Mommy, where are we heading to?/" Dahlia asked excitedly. /"Are we meeting up with Zach again?/"

Oh Dahlia. I looked down at her and smiled. /"I'm going to introduce you to my new coworker and friend, Maria. She's so nice./"

Her smile faltered a little. Looks like she really was interested in meeting Zach again.

/"You'd like her baby. She's gonna help me get ready for Zach's grandma's party./" I told her.

That seemed to get her attention. /"Can I wear my white gown?/"

I nodded. /"Sure. Only if you behave well./"

She entwined our fingers. /"I love you mommy./"

I kissed her hair. The bus pulled over and we got in. Thirty-three minutes later, we pulled over at the bus stop, and following Maria's direction, we walked to her apartment.

Once Maria opened her door, her attention was plastered on Dahlia. /"Oh my God, honey you're so beautiful. I feel like having my own baby ASAP./"