


I heard Ian shut the door behind him and I silently broke down and cried, hugging myself in the process. I felt so lonely, so empty. What happened to all the love we once shared? To all our dreams? And to think he moved on from me so easily. While I was busy working hard for myself and our daughter, he was living the dream life with that girl.

But he did say he tried to reach you. He's sorry for everything. Goodness girl, the guy knelt before you and apologized.

I know my inner girl is an Ian fan, and I also know she's right sometimes. At least he didn't ask for custody of my baby. He just begged to be a part of Dahlia's life. Yes Dahlia. Not mine. I'll never let him be part of mine again. Now all I have to do is introduce him to Dahlia. I know she'll be happy. She's always wanted to have a father, right? Welcoming Ian into my home is because of Dahlia. It’s all for the love I have for my daughter.