


/"So tell me honey, what was the favorite part of your day?/" I asked Dahlia as I made some chicken sauce. Zach said he would stop by to see Dahlia no matter how much I told him it’s not necessary. He insisted, saying he had a rough day and Dahlia and I were the only people he wanted to see at the moment.

Dahlia looked up at me from the story book she had in her hands. /"Being introduced to everyone in class./"

I smiled at her as I added curry into the pot. /"Really?/"

/"Yes mommy. Teacher Andrea said I'm such a beautiful and smart girl./"

I stirred the soup and walked up to her, looking into her eyes adoringly. /"I totally agree with your teacher, honey. In fact, I already like her. You're so beautiful and smart. And I'm the luckiest mother to have you as my baby./" I said and kissed her forehead. /"By the way,, Zach is on his way, wanna see him?/"