


/"Uhhh...aunt...I came to see.../" Zach was going to answer but the doctor walked out.

The male doctor looked up from the chart he was holding. /"Dahlia Donovan?/"

/"Yes...I'm her mom./" I chirped in immediately.

Ian's mom scoffed. /"It’s not strange you got knocked up so early./"

I ignored her and looked back at the doctor. /"How's my child?/"

The doctor looked at Zach. /"Is this her father?/"

Ian's mother looked shocked. /"Zach? No way./"

I turned back to the doctor. /"I'm her mother and I want to know what's wrong with my baby./"

/"Let's talk in my office, if that's fine by you./" He raised his eyebrows and I nodded and followed him, leaving Ian's mother and Zach behind.