


/"I think you should call Ian. He needs to know./" Tina added.

Tori nodded and picked up her phone to call but coincidentally, Finn was calling. She answered.

/"Tori, what the hell? I just saw a magazine with Dahlia on it. Everyone at the cafe is talking about it. Tell me it's not true. Or is Mr. Weizmann really Dahlia's father?/" Finn asked the moment Tori answered. He was so angry and ready to punch Ian because he knew it was a lie. He refused to believe that Ian was Dahlia's father because he had watched the child grow up, not in abject poverty, but he saw how her mother suffered to put food on the table, doing all odd jobs. /"Tell me this is a lie Tori./" He heard her sob. /"And you're crying? I'm coming over right now./"