


Out of anger I pulled the table cloth, causing everything on the table to fall off. /"What did you fucking say?/"

I was about to walk over to her and force the truth out but Alyssa held me. /"Ian you need to calm down./" She said, panicking but I pushed her to one side and walked over to my mother.

I towered over her. I looked down at her with rage in my eyes. /"You said you were able to make her leave my life once and you can do it again, right?/" I asked in a dangerously low tone.

/"Ian let's go./" Alyssa cried out, shivering.

/"Ian she's still your mother, cut it off let's talk like adults./" Dad said trying to calm me down. /"If anyone should be angry here it's me, for being the last one to know I'm a grandfather./"