


I placed my hand on my chest to ease the pain I was feeling but to no avail. I forced myself to check the house once again but who was I kidding? Ian wasn't here, he had gone. He always did. There was no consistency when it came to him. Once again he had slept with me and gone. And the worst part was there was no way for me to call for help.

Plus this is a Monday morning, Dahlia needs to be in school. My goodness, she must be so worried. I really hope Tina took her already. My heart was aching. It was killing me to think I let my guards down and was once again deceived. How stupid could I be? Why did I let myself fall in love with him once again? What made me think he wouldn't leave me again? If he left me once, he would surely leave me again. And he did. With tears in my eyes and pain in my heart, I started destroying every piece of furniture in the house. I just had to do it to get rid of the anger in me.