

Mia reached Central Park with her car, she parked the car outside and turned off the engine, she took out her phone to send a message to Ana that she arrived.

Mia: Where are you guys?

Ana: We are sitting in the park, come and join us!

Mia: Alright, I'm coming.

She turned off her phone and get out of the car without forgetting to lock the car, she shivered by the chilly weather, she forgot to take a coat and cursed herself.

The young woman shrugged and walked toward the way where her friends are waiting for her, she soon noticed their figure, laughing. She smiled and rushed toward them.

/"Hey, guys!/" She called and they turned their head over her voice.

/"Mia! How are you?!/" Ana squealed and hugged Mia tightly before letting her go.

/"I'm good, what about you guys?/" She asked and they replied by a simple nod, she rubbed her arm and her teeth are clattering due to the cold weather in New York.