/"Amelia... Amelia... Wake up my love...
Wake up Amelia... You are safe now.../"
/"Uhh... Whatt..happened..?!?/"
My eyes fluttered open, and I was feeling sleepy. The silk sheets under me were wet and uncomfortable.
My whole face was a mess with dried tears. I looked around and saw Lucus standing over me.
His muscular hands were rubbing on my body , giving me the much-needed heat.
He starred at me with uncertainty in his eyes.
/"What happened?
What happened is , you were thrashing and screaming in your sleep.
I had to wake you up. It was pure torture to watch you like that. And I saw everything in your nightmare My Mate.
Don't worry we'll figure this out. I won't let you get hurt.
Come here.
I will never leave you alone.
You are my precious little girl.
My sweet mate. I won't let you suffer like that.
You are mine to protect./"
/"Oh... So it was only a dream?!?/"