

I poured the spaghetti from the pot into the glass bowl, before setting it on the table. Jackson was setting forks and knives next to plates and Katy was tossing the salad. I placed the bowl in the middle of the table then grabbed the dirty pot. I shoved it under the faucet, cleaning out the leftover sauce.

Suddenly a car door shut from outside, Tyler's home. My chest became tight, I couldn't help but start to panic.

Katy came up to me and rubbed my back soothingly. /"Hey, it's going to be fine./" She cooed. But what if it wasn't.

He's probably almost at the front door by now, maybe I could spill spaghetti on myself and run to change. It would buy me some time.

Then the front door opened in the other room and I reached for the spaghetti bowl, but Jackson lightly smacked my hand away. I glared at him but he just shook his head. Stupid Jackson.