

We parked our car at the third building to where they stopped theirs. The younger version of Cynthia got out of the car and opened the gate and I wondered if she was the girl Lilly was talking about. We got out of the car five minutes later and walked toward the house. It was a decent bungalow which looked upgraded compared to the neighboring buildings.

I wanted to go near the gate and knocked it, I wanted to see her one more time tonight and gloriously told her we won, that I found her but I was betrayed by my courage and concluded knowing where she laid her head was enough for me for a day.

We rented an hotel at a neighbouring area and I gave her a call later that night, which she picked up on the fourth ring. I told her about myself and she told me few things - which I'd known years ago - about herself.

/"Will you be free tomorrow?/" I asked her without thinking and covered my mouth as soon as the sentence came out if it what if she says no