Love in an elevator or something like that
The next day we went to school to pick up our schedules and books. I had to go to the second floor because what I needed for one of my classes was up there. Liam and JJ were with me, and when the elevator opened and there she was. The next thing I knew, the double troubles pushed me inside, and as the doors closed, Liam waved and said, /"Don’t fuck this up./"
What the hell?
The elevator started, then the next thing I knew, it came to an abrupt halt as it reached the second floor. Then the emergency lights came on. The next thing I heard. /"Excuse us, folks, we are experiencing technical difficulties. It’ll take a while, so do us all a favor and chat with each other./"
Fucking JJ and Liam.
/"Liam, you better open these doors before I beat your ass,/" I shouted.
/"No, ingles, sir,/" a top pitch voice said on the other side of the doors, followed by laughing.