

Bring it on, little man


After pulling up to the house, we got out of the car. Zane looked at me. /"You know it’ll piss them off,/" Zane reminded me.

/"Yeah, but what else is new? When aren’t they pissed?/" I asked, unfazed.

/"If I die, I want an enormous party after my funeral,/" Zane told me.

/"You’re not dying. Stop being so overdramatic,/" I said to Zane, rolling my eyes.

/"You’ve never seen Leo pissed,/" he mumbled as he followed me into the house. I swear girls have nothing on guys with dramatics.

We heard much screaming, yelling, and things crashing into the wall. I looked at Nik and Austin. /"And you thought I had anger issues? I’ve got nothing on Leo./" They both look at me along with my parents. /"What?/"

Leo opened the door, and we all stood straight in the hallway. It wasn’t like we were listening at the door. Okay, we were. He had a puzzled look on his face.

/"Is everything okay?/" Nik asked.