

Prom chaos


We got accepted to college, and I got engaged. We aren’t getting married until after college graduation. We had another issue to deal with: Prom.

Since, oh, I don’t know, dances had worked out so well for us in the past, we weren’t sure if any of us wanted to attend. It’s not that we didn’t like dances, but they always ended in disaster for us.

I stood looking at the poster on the wall. /"A Night To Remember. More like a night for disaster,/" I grumbled.

/"Someone’s cranky,/" a husky voice said next to me.

/"Not cranky, predicting what happens,/" I said, motioning my hand at the poster. /"When have any dances worked out for any of us?/"

/"They would if people would stop messing with you,/" Shawn said to me.

/"Yeah, but they never do,/" I sighed.

/"Such a Debbie downer,/" Austin said to Nik behind us.

/"Uh, huh,/" Nik smirked.