

Time to play catch up

After our older siblings graduated, our fathers set us up in a house with the brothers. It wasn’t too bad, except instead of having Drew to taunt, Liam now had Angelo. I swear he was going to get his ass kicked one of these days.

I guess I should catch everyone up to speed on what happened. Let’s start with the end of our freshman year to the beginning of our senior year. A lot has happened. Let’s start with Junior. Hope and he had their baby, a girl, and she was cute as a button. Thank god she got Hope’s beauty.

Then Matt and Scarlett got married after they graduated. It surprised us when they went to Vegas and eloped. They did it under intoxication since Matt needs that push. Drew and Elijah didn’t help matters since they were the ones that got Matt drunk. Yeah, that move pissed Dad off. That was a fun spring break.