

Step into Christmas, part two

The next morning my parents thought it would be a fantastic idea to lecture to me about the previous night. Do you know what it’s like to listen to parents talk about sex when you’re not awake and in desperate need of coffee? Hell, my brain can’t even function, let alone understand what they were saying. Finally, I said, /"Sure, no problem./" Then I fell over sideways on their bed, falling back to sleep.

/"Hell, it’s like talking to a brick wall with him,/" Dad groaned.

/"You can’t blame him for falling asleep. It is five in the morning,/" Mom said to Dad. Then they heard me snore.

/"Great, I’ll get some coffee,/" Dad sighed, leaving the room. Mom covered me up with a blanket, and I continued to sleep.

Two hours later, I felt someone shake me and mumbled, /"Five more minutes, mom./"

/"Why does everyone keep calling me that?/" I heard a soft voice ask.