

Book 1: Lucille



It was a dark and dreary night. I’m kidding. It was night, but it wasn’t gloomy, and of course, it’s dark because it’s night, duh. People are way too grave nowadays. They treat life like it’s this horrible thing.

Bad things happen. We get it. Let’s move along, shall we?

It’s one reason I refuse to watch the news. It’s always too dark and gloomy. The news still reports the bad, hardly the good. Pft.

In case you’re wondering, my name is Lucille Adams. I’m eighteen and enjoying life to the fullest. My parents want me to settle down, but they’re boring. I’m eighteen, not eighty.

I finished high school, skipping college. School wasn’t for me. So, I got a job. Hey, I can still have fun with responsibility. I need money for fun. That’s logic 101.

I stocked store shelves which weren’t bad. I met different people, making fun of said people. It’s all good.

Well, before Grayson Gray came along. He’s such a downer.


I stopped dancing in the store aisle and looked at him. He had his hands on his hips, giving me a disapproving glance.


I gave him a /"no fun/" expression.

/"This is a store, not a club. You need to save your dancing for those places./"

/"Yes, sir./"

I saluted him, earning a glare from him as I grinned. He shook his head and walked away.

Grayson Gray is my manager and the fun police. I swear this dude is way too uptight. As soon as he’s out of view, I danced. I’m sorry, but standing here, putting items on a shelf is boring. People need more fun.

After I finished, I took my lunch break. I walked in, and my co-workers greeted me.

/"Hey, Lucille!/"

/"Hello, hello, hello./"

I greeted them as I took a seat and opened my lunch.

/"I heard Grayson yelled at you,/" Martha said.

/"When doesn’t Grayson yell at me?/"

I shrugged as I ate.

/"I’d be careful. Grayson’s not the type to accept careless behavior from people at work. If you keep acting the way you do, he’ll fire you,/" Vic said.

/"Grayson can jump in a lake. He acts like he’s eighty,/" I said.

/"He’s twenty-three,/" Tim said.

/"Twenty-three. Fifty. It doesn’t matter. Grayson’s still too serious,/" I said.

I waved my hand around, causing them to laugh. Grayson acted way too old for his actual age. It was like he planned on dying alone as a bitter old man.

I swear he won’t find a woman. Who would put up with his shit? It’s not me. No, sir.

I finished my lunch, then got back to work. I kept having fun until I saw Grayson, then acted professionally. The minute he was out of view, I went back to my enjoyment. Ha! That’ll teach you.

After work, I was getting ready to leave when Grayson stopped me. Now what? I’m guessing he was hoping his annoying personality will rub off on me.

/"Lucille, I’m scheduling you for inventory,/" he said.


/"This Saturday night after the store closes./"

He scribbled on his clipboard.

/"What? I got plans!/"

/"Well, now your plans include working, or do you not want a job?/"

I glared at him. At this moment, I didn’t like Grayson Gray.


With that, I walked away. Ugh, I had a date with a hottie. Now I had to work. Why? My parents said to get a job or go to school. They didn’t want me to sponge off them forever.

One day, I’ll meet someone, and my parents won’t worry about me sponging off of them. Then again, thanks to Grayson, I doubt that will happen.

I told you the dude isn’t fun and the destroyer of joy. Someone needs to show him the error of his ways. With that, I mean someone else, not me. No way, no how.