

Too close for comfort


Grayson informed me that the big boss scheduled me to do inventory with him when I returned to work. Great. So much for that guy who spent the past week with me.

Although, he had lightened up with me on my tasks, which was better. At lunch, I sat down in the break room, joining the others.

/"How are you feeling, Lucille?/" Martha asked me.

/"I’m doing much better. Being sick sucks,/" I said.

They laughed.

/"Something is going around,/" Vic said.


/"Grayson was off sick too,/" he said.

He popped a chip into his mouth. I knew Grayson was lying.

/"A bug is going around./"

I shrugged as I ate my sandwich. Talk to Grayson about his fib.

I finished my lunch and got back to work. I still wasn’t a hundred percent, so I moved like a slug. I picked up an item to put on the shelf when someone helped me.

I turned to realize Grayson is helping me. He gave me a soft smile as he placed the item on the shelf.

/"Are you okay?/" He asked.

/"I’m okay. I’m a little tired./"

/"Why don’t you go home and get rest?/"

/"Are you sure?/"

/"Yeah, I’ll finish this up./"

I nodded. I’ll worry about Grayson’s shadiness later. I wanted my bed, so I punched out and traveled home.

Mom watched me when I walked through the door. She didn’t need to ask as I continued to bed. I opened my door to look at blue roses lying on my bed. I walked over and picked them up.

She stood at the door as I turned to her.

/"Who delivered the flowers?/"

/"Someone left the flowers at the door./"

She walked towards me.

/"Someone likes you if they brought your favorite flower to you./"

I noticed the flowers. Few people learned my absolute favorite flowers. I brought the roses to my nose, inhaling the scent as a smile curled upon my lips.

Mom took the roses and put them in a vase with water. I changed into my pajamas and crawled into bed. Oh, sleep. I missed you. With that, I drifted off to sleep.


I had the next day off. Thank God. I have inventory tomorrow night with Grayson. That gave me time to rest. Even though my check would be horrible, I needed the rest.

As I lounged around, someone knocked on my door. Mom opened the door, poking her head into my bedroom.

/"Lucille, a visitor is at the door./"

I walked to the front door to find Grayson standing there.

/"I realize you’re off today, and I’m not here to annoy you. Do you want donuts and a coffee?/" Grayson asked.

/"Don’t you have to work?/"

/"Not until later./"

/"Okay, let me get my coat and purse./"

I grabbed both. I came out of the house and walked to his car. I got inside, and he pulled out of the driveway.

He drove us to a donut shop, and we got out, making our way inside. We sat down in a booth. He then ordered donuts and coffee for us.

/"How are you doing?/"

/"I’m doing better./"

I added creamer to my coffee that the server brought us.

/"Ready for inventory tomorrow?/" He asked.

/"Unfortunately, but I should be fine. It’s been rough getting back to myself. I didn’t realize how pneumonia affects you./"

I sipped my coffee.

/"I felt terrible when I found out you were sick./"

/"Then why did you send me out in the freezing rain, knowing I was sick?/"

He glanced at me.

/"Grayson, I would never kick a dog when they’re down. It’s cruel. But you seem to enjoy it. Why?/"

I knitted my brows, wanting to identify why.

/"Because I was stupid. I figured if I gave you these lousy jobs, you would quit. But you didn’t./"

/"What? Why?/"

/"Because I like you, Lucille./"

His confession shocked me.

/"You drive me crazy, but you make me laugh. Then I remember I’m your boss and realize that I can’t pursue anything with you./"

I didn’t realize what to say.

/"I don’t want you to quit. I would miss seeing you too much,/" Grayson said.

/"If you don’t want me to quit, could you try not to kill me? One day, I want a family,/" I said.



So she wants a family one day. Fascinating. What else does she want?

/"Okay. I promise not to kill you./"

I chuckled as a smile curled upon her lips.

/"So, why did you lie to me about the store giving you time off?/" She asked me.


/"Grayson, I prefer honesty over lies. The truth hurts, but it’s better than a whopper of a lie. When everything is said and done, the person gets hurt./"

Okay, this girl has spunk. I like that quality. She’s not afraid to call someone on their bullshit.

/"I felt guilty./"

/"As you should, you tool./"

And she’s not afraid to call me a tool. I also found that interesting. Lucille called it as she saw it. I like that quality.

/"Okay, I promise not to be a tool anymore./"

Lucille laughed. Okay, she has a sense of humor.

/"Yeah, okay./"

Damn, she’s sarcastic. This girl has a lot of impressive traits.

/"I promise./"

I placed my hand over my chest.

/"Don’t make any promises you can’t keep./"

She winked. She’s flirty. Ugh. What is this girl doing to me? She exhibits all the traits I like.

/"You’re a trip,/" I said.

I chuckled.

/"Nope, I’m bat shit crazy,/" she said.

What did Lucille mean by bat shit crazy?

We finished our donuts and coffee, and I took her home. I dropped her off and made my way home to get ready for work. As her boss, a relationship is risky, but I like her after spending time with her.

I haven’t felt this good since Marnie. At one point, I would have to tell Lucille about Marnie, but I’m testing the waters with Lucille.