

Gravitational pull


Did you ever meet someone, and they pulled you to them? That’s how Grayson made me endure. Even before we shared our first kiss, something drew me to him, making me bother him.

Since our kiss, two forces pushed us together. I never thought about older guys or even guys my age in a romantic sense. A romance was last on my mind. Now it’s the first.

After our date, I wasn’t sure what would happen. The date was a fluke. So, I played it cool.

/"Are you almost done, Lucille?/" Grayson asked.

He walked over to me as he wrote on his clipboard.


I smiled at him.

/"Okay, when you finish, come see me. I have another job for you./"

Grayson scribbled on the paper.

/"And what job?/"

We could have a little lip action, buddy.

/"I need aisle thirteen, straighten up./"

Wait? What?

/"Did you not hear me?/"

He glanced at me.

/"Uh, yep./"


He turned and walked away.

It was a one-time date. Meh. As the song says, Que Sera, Sera.

I finished up my job and straightened aisle thirteen. Damn, people are slobs. I fixed the shelves. After I finished, it’s time to go home.

I grabbed my stuff and clocked out.

Grayson said, /"I scheduled you for inventory./"

/"On a Saturday night?/"

/"Yeah, do you have a problem?/"

/"No problem./"

Oh, hey, Luci. Let’s go on a second date this Saturday. The first one was fab.

/"Okay, see you then./"

He walked away.

/"Yeah, sure./"

I sighed. I give up. I’d rather stay single than deal with Grayson's hot/chilly attitude.


Saturday arrived, and I dragged my happy ass into work for inventory. Woo-hoo!

I clocked in, strolling to the back. Grayson wasn’t here but left me a list. Oh, lucky me, I thought.

I clicked on music and worked. I sang and danced while checking over the items. No audience seemed weird.

When break time came, I sat in the back and ate alone. I didn’t have anyone to talk to since no one is here and talking to myself is plain silly. Oh, who am I kidding? I imitated Grayson’s voice to keep myself entertained.

After my break, I finished inventory. I left the papers where Grayson instructed and clocked out. I strolled into the house to find Dad sitting at the table, drinking his coffee.

/"How was work?/" Dad asked.

/"Meh, work was okay./"

I shrugged, causing him to glance at me with concern.

/"Was Grayson there?/"

/"Nope, but he left me directions. Wasn’t that fab of him?/"

I kissed his cheek, going into my bedroom as I got ready for bed, and crawled in. I’m glad I’m off tomorrow. I need sleep.

I laid there and thought about what happened between Grayson and me until now. I chalk it up to the fact that he was high. Yeah, he smoked a doobie. That makes sense.

Grayson was a guy who smoked a doobie behind closed doors. No wonder his charm is hot and cold. Why didn’t this thought occur to me sooner? Lucille, you’re a certified genius.

I smiled as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


The next day, I hung out at home. My parents asked if I’m okay. Then they asked me if I’m on drugs. I have such loving parents.

After spending time at home, I left the house. Yeah, they’re right. Staying home is weird for me. No, I’m not on drugs. I like an adventure.

I ventured around town until I came to a bakery. I plastered myself against the window. The baked goods looked fabulous as I noticed something.

Hello? What’s this? Grayson sat at a table with a chick. Fabulous. They were eating cupcakes and laughing. Even better.

He wiped frosting from her mouth with his thumb. Woo-hoo! It’s fantastic to see him with another girl while he treated me like a second-class citizen.

Okay, Grayson Gray. Two can play at this game, you big tool. I waltzed into the bakery, shaking my ass as I walked by his table. I know he’s watching me. Ha! Enjoy it, you tool, because you aren’t getting this ass.

I walked over to the counter to a guy working. Now it's time to flirt with said guy.

/"What can I get you?/" The guy asked.


I tapped my finger.

/"I’ll take a cupcake and your number, hot stuff./"

I winked.

A smile curled upon his lips as he leaned over the counter.

/"Well, in that case, one cupcake and a number coming up./"

I stood there as someone stood behind me, breathing down my neck.

/"Did you ever hear about personal space?/"

I didn’t bother looking behind me.

The person leaned into my ear.

/"Dare, I asked what you’re doing?/"

/"I’m getting a cupcake and a date./"

/"With whom?/"

/"No one that you know./"

I shrugged.

/"And what if I don’t want you to date someone else?/"

I turned to Grayson, pointing at the girl.

/"Then, she’d have a problem./"

He glanced at me.

/"Run along now./"

I waved him off.

The worker handed me a container with a cupcake and his number. I took it, paid, and gave him a wink. I turned to see Grayson still standing there, looking none too happy.

/"Did you need something?/"

He grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the bakery. Once we were outside, he grabbed my container and ripped off the number, tossing it into the trash.

/"Excuse me. That number was good./"

/"Excuse me, but you’re mine,/" he growled.

/"Uh, no, the caveman-era died a long time ago, twit./"

/"You want to do this?/"

/"Gray, a word of advice. If you want me, work for it. Later, gator./"

I snapped my fingers as I turned and walked away.

Grayson would learn I’m not your typical girl. I don’t sit down and feel sorry for myself. I won’t let a tool run my life. Not now or ever.

People need a smack upside the head. You never chase a man. If the man wants you, then they’ll get their shit together.

If I ever have sons, they had better get their shit together. That’s all I can say.