

Halloween, Trick or Treating, and Scary Movies


With the weirdness going around, it wasn’t surprising that Halloween was coming. At least, I don’t think it did. The Gray boys were acting stranger than usual, but they’re always strange. My brother was acting weird, and Liz was acting odd.

I swear this world is weird, and I live in it.

I tried to ignore the weirdness and focus on having fun on Halloween. Since it was my last year in high school, I went trick or treating. Don’t judge. It’s free candy, man. Plus, we get to wear a costume.

After Liz harped about Homecoming, I harped about trick or treating.

/"This is so dumb. Why can’t we go to a Halloween party?/" She asked.

I rolled my eyes as I finished getting ready. /"Stop complaining. We get free candy while wearing a costume. Plus, I don’t feel too bad because I’m not eighteen yet./" I turned to her and smiled.

/"Fine. Let’s get this over with./"