

‘Tis The Season, Part 2


Christmas break has been great, except for work. The grocery store was nuts while working around the holidays. You would figure people would seem happy, but they seem more miserable than anything.

People plowed into me while I stocked shelves which sucked. I swear Santa was putting coal in their stockings.

/"Um, excuse me, miss. Can you help us find the tinsel?/"

Tinsel? Who the hell goes to the grocery store looking for tinsel? I gave Nate and his brothers a look. /"Tinsel? Really? You realize it’s a grocery store, right?/"

/"Yeah, Cayson isn’t too bright./" Jonas smirked, and Cayson smacked him.

/"Ignore, my idiot brothers. They know not what they speak of,/" Nate said while rolling his eyes.

/"I guess,/" I said.

/"What time do you get off?/"

/"Around eleven. Christmas time makes the store busier and crazier. But it’s extra money for school./"