

Wedding Daze


The night before the wedding, the girls hung out at Lucille’s house. The guys did, God knows what.

It was weird to have my mom, Lucille, Liz, and Nate’s aunts there. We all talked and ate pizza.

/"I still can’t believe you’re getting married tomorrow,/" Liz said.

/"Neither can I, but I can’t wait,/" I said. /"Nate turned out to be amazing./"

Everyone listened to me.

/"We started as neighbors, becoming friends to more. He’s my best friend./"

/"What made you decide Nate was the one, Patty?/" One of his aunts asked me.

/"The day he kissed me. It was my eighteenth birthday, and we argued. The minute he kissed me, it was like it didn’t matter anymore. It’s like forces are pushing us together./"

/"More like the force of Lucille pushing you together,/" another aunt said, which made us laugh.