

Here Comes Nashville AKA Nash


/"Nashville?/" Our family asked.

/"Well, Nashville Nathaniel Gray, but Nash for short,/" I told them.

/"Why Nashville?/" Mom asked me.

/"Because we conceived him there,/" I said.

Yep, Nash would kill us when he got older, but I didn’t care. His name suited him.


After Nash came along, Nate and I decided it would be better to stay home with him. I would take evening classes, so someone stayed at home with Nash.

Nash kept us busy when he started crawling, then walking. I had to chase a toddler, becoming exhausted most of the time and needing sleep. Thank God it’s the weekend, and I had no classes.

Nate walked into the house. /"Um, Betty Crocker?/"

/"Yes, grease monkey,/" I said from the couch.

/"Is there a reason a tornado hit our house?/"

I pointed at Nash.