

Nash Gray


I was in a deep slumber until someone bumped into furniture while cussing up a storm. Ugh, I’m glad someone thinks of other people needing sleep. I propped myself up. I noticed a silhouette bumping into items, throwing stuff around the bedroom.

Oh, you don’t worry, buddy. I enjoy watching a guy invade my room while making noise. He stopped and made his way over to the bed, falling onto it. What the hell?

I pushed him with my finger. /"Hey, buddy. You’re in the wrong room./" He didn’t budge. So, I tried to shake him until I heard snoring. Oh, hell, no. I was not sleeping next to a dying bear. Not to mention, I didn’t even know this guy.

My theory is that he needs a good night’s sleep if he’s planning on killing me. If he didn’t kill me, then we have a huge problem. I tried to make my great escape until a hand stopped me. The person yanked me onto the bed, engulfing me with their muscular arm.