

Going to Need an Ocean of calamine lotion


Okay, here’s some information about the Mango Tree. When you touch the sap, you get a rash from hell with a horrible itch. A few people are lucky never to encounter it. We weren’t those people.

The sap of this tree holds toxins related to poison ivy and poison oak and is also contagious. The minute you touch someone, you get it. Thanks to Nate and his brothers, most of us contracted it.

/"Ma!/" Nathan said.

/"Lucille!/" Grayson said.

/"Where’s the damn calamine lotion?/" Nixon asked.

/"I blame Cayson!/" Nate said.

/"I can’t stop itching!/" Nolan said.

Pat and Lucille ran to our rooms, treating our rashes as we itched our skin raw.

/"Well, no one told you to touch your pecker, now did they?/" Lucille asked Nate.


/"Noah, get back to your room,/" Pat said.

/"But I freaking itch!/"