



Kat, Marco, and I shopped for dresses for Kat and me. We walked to town since the house wasn’t that far, and it gave Kat and me a chance to check out the area. They had a movie theater, diner, bakery, clothing stores, and bookstores.

We made our way to a clothing store and walked inside. Then we hunted for a dress. I scoured through one rack as Marco searched through another. Kat checked out a third.

/"So, Maggie,/" he said.

/"Yeah?/" I pulled out a dress, shook my head, and put it back on the rack.

/"Tell me about yourself./"

/"Well, what do you want to know?/" I pulled out a dress, looked at it, shook my head, and put it back.

/"What are your parents like?/"

/"Well, Marco, they’re the biggest tools that walk the face of the earth. They’re selfish, self-centered jerks./" I don’t even know why he was asking me about my parents. I hated talking about them.