

My eyes! They burn!


While everyone was in class or out of the house, Jasper and Marco were home alone. Things turned romantic for them.

After class, Nash and I came back to the house to relax and eat. As soon as we opened the door, screaming came from Marco’s room. What in the world?

Nash and I ran upstairs until we reached his door. There’s a reason it’s so important to have a lock on your door. Nash flung open the door. Our eyes widened.

Like the good sister I am, I said, /"My eyes! They burn!/"

That caused Marco and Jasper to stop.

/"Um, excuse her. Continue./" Nash yanked me out of the room and closed the door.

We heard noises and left. I had that sight forever burned in my mind, and not in an enjoyable way.

I threatened Nash not to speak a word of what we saw. He would be a dead man if he did. I had no worries there. He didn’t want to mention it again, like ever.