

A whole new romance


Mags absorbed everything. People explained everything to her to help her understand. She looked lost and confused. Sure, Mags looked the same, but she was different. She wasn’t the same person.

It doesn’t matter if you remember, but the feeling. I was stupid for what I had done to Mags. I let my past and insecurities rule me and hurt Mags. I hated that I hurt her.

Being apart from her was plain torture because when I was with her, I felt alive. We had a second chance to start fresh to do it right this time. She makes me a better man. I won’t screw it up and ruin the possibility of losing her again.

I took it slow. It’s the only way to go. Spend time with her. Get to know her and love her again.

I took a deep breath and knocked on her bedroom door. I hoped she said yes to my question.