

Junior year, here we come


We returned to school, ready to take on our junior year. It made me glad. Did you ever have the Gray boys pamper you? Their idea and my idea of pampering were two different things. I had to put my foot down with shaving and personal hygiene. Nolan was more than happy to help me until Nash stepped in. Thank God.

We pulled up to the house and got out. Nash grabbed our bags and took them inside.

/"Are you feeling better?/" Kat asked me.

/"Much better./" I smiled.

/"And how are you and Nash doing?/"

/"We’re doing well./"

/"That is good./" She smiled.

In case you’re wondering, I haven’t seen the girls since we returned home. It was understandable. They were busy, and I was busy recuperating. The boys spent time with them. It was a relief because they were driving me nuts.

The minute I entered the house, Marco body-slammed me and knocked me off my feet.
