

Our junior year finished


We finished Junior year, knowing that everything was settling down for us. Life had been crazy since we arrived at school. I couldn’t remember most of it.

I was ready to go home. I loved being at school but was so eager to kick back this summer. Since next year was our senior year, I knew my life would change. Doesn’t your life change when you finish school?

I didn’t know how much it would change.

We packed, then loaded the car. Life would get crazy for us. Call it intuition.

The drive back was fine, but the car ride exhausted me. With what had happened, I needed a break. At my last checkup, the doctor recommended that I rest. He said my body was still recuperating.

When you're sick, it sucks because you’re still not one hundred percent even when the illness leaves. I wanted to go to bed when we got home.

Nash glanced at me. /"Are you okay?/"