

Breath, Just Breathe

I ran until I reached Marco’s house, then pounded on his door. He opened it, looking bewildered by my presence until I clung to him.

/"Maggie?/" He asked as I clung to him.

/"Marco, oh, God./" I gasped. I couldn’t even form sentences. The walls were closing in on me, and the room was spinning. My stress level was through the roof.

/"Jasper! Help!/"

Jasper came running downstairs and found me in a state. /"She’s having a panic attack. Hold on to her while I get my bag./" He took off to his room while I grasped Marco’s shirt.

Nash found us. /"Mags!/"

/"Nash, make it stop!/" I started hyperventilating. Jasper returned and injected me with something. Everything went black.


After a few minutes, my eyelids fluttered open. I saw a bunch of faces staring at me, startling me. /"Ah!/"

Nash grabbed me. /"It’s okay, Mags./"