

Things Are About to Get Ugly and So, Are You

I awoke to a commotion coming from downstairs. What in the world was going on? I rubbed my eyes and got up. I opened the door, making my way downstairs. I saw the brothers on top of Nash. What in the hell was going on?

I walked downstairs until I stood in front of them with my arms crossed.

/"Uh, guys,/" Marcy said, trying to get their attention.

/"Not now, Marcy,/" Noah said.

/"Guys,/" Kat said.

/"Kat, not now,/" Nixon said.

/"Hey, losers!/" Macey said.

They stopped, turning to see me standing there with my arms crossed and an unamused look on my face.

/"Oh,/" said Nolan.

They stood up and backed away from Nash. He got up and wiped the blood from his mouth.

/"Would someone explain to me why my fiancé’s idiot brothers are beating him up?/" I asked them.