

The Brothers Are at It Again

After Christmas, you would think things would calm down and become somewhat routine. Nope, not even close. The brothers and cousins had a little fun at our expense. I swear they want to die a painful death.

/"You know the girls will kill us,/" Noah told them.

/"Eh, they won’t do shit,/" Nixon said as they walked up to our rooms carrying buckets.

/"They need to lighten up. The girls have been so damn touchy lately,/" Nathan said.

/"Did they forget who they’re dating?/" Nolan asked him.

/"Yep,/" Nathan said.

All five doors flung open, and so did the water in the buckets of ice water.

/"Nash!/" I said, startled from my sleep to an ice-cold bath.

/"Oops, my bad./" He chuckled.

/"I’ll chop off your balls, Nixon!/" Kat said.

/"Yeah, but you must catch me first!/" He spoke.

/"So, not funny, Nathan!/" Macey said.

/"Wet tee shirts are always fun./" He laughed.