

Sometimes, You Need to Dance When No One Is Looking

Nash called Nate and explained to him what happened with the bakery idea. Nate agreed with our decision and offered to help us, as did Pat. It relieved me.

I didn’t feel comfortable taking a chance with someone I didn’t know. I know Kate’s heart was in the right place, but something felt off. Opening a business is always a gamble.

Nash and I took a brief break with no one home and danced around the living room. We were getting so into it that we didn’t hear people come in. /"You two look like you’re seizing out. Is there a reason you look like someone who got off crack?/" Nixon asked us.

/"Shut up. We’re having fun,/" Nash said as he flipped me.

I landed on my wrist.

/"Man down. Or should I say woman down? How about monkey down?/" Nixon asked Kat as she rolled her eyes at him, then smacking him.

I grabbed my wrist in pain and let out a yelp.