


We arrived at the beach house in Myrtle Beach, Virginia. Grammy gave Nash the keys to it, and we had it for seven days. We got out of the car, and Nash picked me up, carrying me over the threshold and taking me upstairs.

He carried me into a room and set me down. After kissing him, I retreated to the bathroom to change. It took time to get out of my dress. After I did, I changed into skimpy lingerie that the girls had packed for me.

I came out of the bathroom to find Nash in his boxers. I don’t know why I was so nervous, considering Nash and I already had sex. Everything seemed surreal now that we didn’t have to hide our marriage.

I crept over to him. He engulfed me with his arms as he captured my lips. When he pulled back, we were trying to catch our breaths. I saw the lust in his eyes, making my body heat.