

A Christmas Delivery for Noah and Marcy

Since I’m on bed rest and Nathan and Macey’s twins are a month old, Nash wanted to host Christmas at our house. Everyone agreed. Thank God because Christmas would suck if I had to stay in bed.

Nate helped Nash find a tree and decorate it. Pat baked and cooked food. I got stuck on the couch. Yay for bed rest. Can you tell that I’m thrilled with this arrangement?

/"Oh, cheer up, baby girl. It’ll be okay./"

I frowned. /"Nash, it’s Christmas, and I can’t do anything. It’s ridiculous./"

/"Sweetheart, it’s one day,/" Nate told me.

/"Dad, you don’t understand. I want to decorate the tree, bake cookies, cook dinner, and celebrate with my husband./" I waved my arms around in the air.

/"We know. Trust me. After the babies arrive, you’ll get to celebrate with them,/" Nate said.