

Getting Settled

My eyes fluttered open as Nash leaned over me.


/"Hey, baby girl,/" he said as he stroked my hair.

/"What happened

/"There was a complication. For the doctor to stop the bleeding, they had to give you a hysterectomy. You can’t have any more kids. I’m sorry, Hunny./"

/"Did we have them?/"


/"The babies./"

/"Yeah, all five./" He smiled.

/"Then, I’m good./" I smiled at him as he smiled at me. /"But now, I would like to see my babies./"

/"Good because I haven’t seen them yet./"


/"I was waiting for you./" He smiled.

He helped me to sit up. Man, I was sore. Then he left the room. He returned with the brothers as each one pushed a bassinet. I looked at them as they stood by them. Then they pulled them from their cribs and held them up to me.