

Saying goodbye to a beloved family member

The quints had turned twelve and were even crazier. A preteen meant their hormones were in overdrive, getting ready to hit puberty. We dealt with their craziness. The brothers dealt with their kids’ pubescent craziness.

Amid everything, Nate and Pat received a phone call from Grammy Gray with news about Grayson. It wasn’t good.

Nate went to the airport with his brothers to gather their mom and Grayson’s casket. They had flown Grayson back to Michigan to bury him in his family plot. The funeral director took his body straight to the funeral home as the boys took Grammy to Nate’s place. The funeral would be in a few days.

Everyone came to pay their respect to Grammy, and it was hard on everyone. Grayson seemed like a gruff man, but Lucille and his love had been one in a million. She dealt with it the best way she knew how her way.
