

First day of senior year


The first day of the senior year started, and the night before ended with a bang. Dad got himself into trouble with Roger. Grampa and Uncle Nixon tried to get him out of it. I didn’t care because that tool deserved it.

I also found out Roger didn’t leave to find himself. They took him somewhere. Piper broke up with him last night. That led me to believe she wasn’t honest about things. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be with her if she couldn’t be honest.

/"Hey, Lex,/" I heard her say as I stared into my locker.

/"Hey, Piper./" I sighed.

/"So, I’m wondering./"

/"I would prefer it if you left me alone./"


I looked at her. /"Look, I get you wanted to end things with Roger but at least, be honest about it. Don’t put on a show./"
