

Dilemmas and advice


After the night in my kitchen with Sherry, I steered clear of the Grays for a bit. I didn’t even know what to do. If I don’t tell them and they find out, this situation would be bad. If I tell them and Sherry talks to Roger, it’s terrible. Either way, I’m screwed, ugh.

I figured if I kept my distance, everything would blow over, except it didn’t. I watched the way Sherry acted with Lakin. At school, she acted like Lakin didn’t exist. Away from everyone, she treated Lakin like she was everything. It burned me.

Then you have Lex. Things had been awkward since the night of the carnival. It became even worse after Lakin and Sherry’s incident. Double ugh.

I decided to speak to someone, so I went to the only person I knew who wouldn’t talk, Nixon. That’s the perk of knowing a minister and knowing they can’t break confidentiality.

I walked into the chapel, and Nixon’s wife greeted me. /"Hey, Piper./"