

Costume Party and other surprises


Two weeks before Homecoming, we got invited to a costume party on the weekend. I dressed like a genie. I wanted something fun to wear. Plus, Roger would have had a fit if I dressed this way. It was always something I didn’t want to wear, which made any costume party boring, and I didn’t have fun.

I pulled on my hoodie when I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

/"So, does that mean I get to rub you and get three wishes?/" Lex asked me, pointing to my genie costume.

I turned to him. /"It depends on the wishes./"

He walked over to me and placed his hands on the waist. /"Well, one would be to make you mine. Wait. That wish came true. Two would be to kiss your lips, but that one came true. The third would be to have your love. Wait a minute. I got that one, too. So, I guess it has granted all my wishes./"

He leaned down and kissed me.