



After the fire, Ma and Dad had to meet with the Fire Marshall. The insurance company wanted an investigation, finding out what caused the fire at the bakery before submitting a claim.

My sisters weren’t talking to my parents or uncles. I could see their point, but I could also see my parents’ point. Everything was a mess. Even the others tried to reason with them but without success. My sisters were stubborn, which they got from Dad.

Dad kept getting messages from an unknown person, too.

I hope you enjoyed my gift. Too bad the abominations didn’t burn with it — Unknown

When I find you, I’ll kill you.

Good luck with that. It’s funny that you think you’ll ever find me. Those were warnings —Unknown

Stay away from my family.

Ah, now that’s your problem, thinking people will heed your warnings. You never look at the obvious. Well, you were never bright, were you? — Unknown

I’m warning you.