

Trial prep


After the holidays, the defense attorney summoned Larkin, Piper, and me to a deposition for Roger’s trial. We were the principal witnesses because of our run-ins with him. At the same time, they had my other sisters and Dad, along with Mike, as eyewitnesses.

Because we were under eighteen, our moms were present during questioning. It was grueling. They grilled us on everything. They left no question unturned, and they kept trying to trip us up by asking the same question.

That lasted a few days for us. When they finished, they dismissed us.

We were hanging at the house as we talked about it.

/"What will happen now?/" Luna asked.

/"My guess is they’ll use some of it, or none of it,/" I said. I wasn’t sure how it all worked.

Grampa and Nana came over.

/"How did it go?/" Grampa asked Dad.