



With prom around the corner, people were crazy with prom frenzy. I couldn’t blame them since it was exciting, except I couldn’t get excited. Every time a formal dance rolled around, Roger told me no. This homecoming was the first dance I went to, and it was excellent.

I took a deep breath, sighed, and turned, walking to class. I wasn’t aware that a few people were watching. The quints stuck their heads around the corner and watched me walk away. They looked at each other and smiled.


I sat in class when I heard my name called over the intercom.

/"Will Piper Harper come to the gymnasium?/" The voice asked, trying to sound male.

I looked up, then heard Larkin ask, /"Couldn’t you sound more convincing, tool?/"

/"I thought it was convincing,/" Lakin said.

/"Oh, yeah. Real convincing there, numbnuts./"

/"I swear I’ll beat your ass./"